Tuesday, May 7, 2019

SSL Security error [DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen.... No expired/invalid certificates. what else?

Hello folks,
Recently, i got into an issue where i was tasked to connect to Sql server 2014 via 64-bit ODBC connectivity. 
so i simply dialed into the windows server and tried to create a DSN using Sql server native client components as the below screenshot depicts: -

....and the connection test resulted in the following error: -


Connection failed:
SQLState : '01000'
SQL Server Error: 771
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP  Sockets]ConnectionOpen(SECDoClientHandshake()).
Connection failed:
SQLState : '08001'
SQL Server Error: 18
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SSL Security error


Here is the solution to fix above mentioned error: -

1- Download a more recent update of Sql server Native client driver: - 
2 - Install the driver and update the existing version

It seems Sql Server used by the customer has TLS 1.2 forced on connection requests and that resulted in the SSL error

- Sql Server 2014 CU 2 build version used by the customer: 12.0.4422.0

- Sql Server Native Client version that fixed the issue:  11.0.7001.0

hope it helps!